Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Shoes

Hey I got new running shoes today. I am in St Louis for meetings till Friday and I am staying in Chesterfield. There just happened to be a Fleet Feet store just down the road so I stopped in this afternoon and got fitted.

My foot doctor had told me that I needed a more neutral shoe now that I have orthotics because the orthotics compensate for my pronation and the shoe doesn't have to anymore. I wanted to try some Muzuno's but the sales guy told me up front that the heel was less cushioned than the Nike's I was used to. The other shoe that my fit pointed to was the Nike Air Pegasus. I tried the Muzuno Ride first and he watched as I ran down the sidewalk. The shoe felt good but the heel was a little less cushioned. Then I tried the Nike's and they felt great. So, I walked away with a new pair of Nike Pegasus. They sure make me feel more flat footed anyway. I'll know soon how they are for running. I feel good that they will work as I have ran about 400 miles in Nike Air Structure Triax 10's.

I also picked up a couple of long sleeve technical shirts for $5 each that were on sale. Couldn't beat the price at all. I'll probably go back sometime this week to shop more as I was pressed for time today.

Chesterfield is really nice. There is a shopping center at least 2 miles long with every store imaginable and lots of good eating places. Other than meetings and eating, I won't have much else to do so I may do a little needed shopping. Then again, maybe not!


Susan said...

$5 for a tech shirt - wow!

Annette said...

A little shopping indeed...I thought I was reading the wrong blog there for a second... this is a man who HATES shopping and listen to him talk about all the great stores!! LOL

Wish I was with you!!
Miss you!