Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm Done

I'm done running till 2009. After running Sunday afternoon I thought everything was good then Monday I started passing kidney stones again. Guess the running was shaking what was left loose. To top it off, now I have a bad cold right here at the holidays. I go back to the doc on Tuesday so I figured I might as well wait till '09 to start back up. If I can get a bike ride in I will be doing that since its not as much impact. May do some weights/core training but its not as fun as running or biking.

PS: Santa, you can bring me a new Cervelo P3 Tri Bike and a Nikon D60 DSLR camera. Well, a P4 would be better but I would settle for a P2 even. But since you have way too many to get presents for, we will save these for our wish list for '09.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!


Susan said...

I'm sorry, Arland.

In a strange way, perhaps it is better to deal with it ALL at once, vs. little by little throughout the year. Maybe?

Arland said...

Your right Susan, I am now reserving November and December as my off season...seems to always work that way.